Hacks Busy Entrepreneurs can use to Go Paperless at Work or Home...

Time was when you had a large desk –a messy one at that. You printed papers or had thick files that sat in huge drawers. You waded through them to find the stuff you wanted, and they cut more trees so you could do this.
If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then is an empty desk a sign?
                                                                              - Albert Einstein
Think again now.  Today Many entrepreneurs’ offices comprise only of a laptop, which can be carried anywhere. Get up…. We live in the Information Technology Era. Here people don’t do their own work, computers does it for them. 

                                                                                                                                                  Image Credit: Unchartedparent.com

From a 6 foot by 2 foot table to a trendy iPad connected to the Internet (cloud, to be more specific), the office has come a long way in a journey that involves less and less paper –if only you can apply your mind to do it that way. Here’s what you need to get there:

A Good Camera: No, you don’t have to buy a cool shooting device or an expensive DSLR camera. The camera in your phone or Tablet will do, thank you. Use it now, not for “selfies” to upload on Facebook or on Pinterest nut to click a visiting card, an invoice, a bill or even and handwritten note. The new camera phones have strong picture resolution to catch most of the text details. There you have eliminated lots of paper –and more important storage that occupies real estate.

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A Document Scanner: If your camera is no up to clicking the document you want to store –let us say it is  a huge certificate or a legal document –you can use a good scanner. You can consider buying the Fujitsu Snap Scan or my favorite, the Neat Connect. These scanners have slots built in for receipts, papers and visiting cards, so that you can scan them at a go, and they can scan both sides at one time. The best part is that you can link these scan devices to the cloud. 

 A cheaper alternative is HP’s all-in-one multifunction printers that come now with a scanner and needs no separate PC link. You can simply scan to your phone or tablet –and that too wirelessly. No hassles of booting or testing the scan quality. At 7,500-INR or about $130, the HP3545Boffers a great starting point in a journey to a paperless office.

Evernote or Microsoft OneNote: Though I am a big fan of Evernote user, Microsoft is free –and it offers similar features. These electronic note apps (that you can download) can take the images you clicked or scanned. The photo can now also get comments and tags to help you sort and track them as per need. You can also create folders to make a collection of all the documents related. Since the documents are now pictures, Evernote and OneNote will also do optical character recognition for you and help you make these searchable –just like you Google something on the Internet. You can use tags such as bills, lunch receipt, or name of the person or organization associated with the document. You are, well, sorted now. Evernote and OneNote allow you to share your notes with auditors and accountants.

Cloud Storage: Parking space on the Internet can be very useful. Evernote and Microsoft OneNote will also back up your data, but since your data is now in digital format, you can always store these on Dropbox.com or Box.com, or simply your Google Drive to access them on other devices.

                                                                                                                                                                   Image Credit: Samsill.com

You are ready for a paperless office culture, but remember, there is more to this –because you have to change your behavioral pattern to make things easier in the long run. This is what we call “life-hacking” –the business of building your habits.

Try and make sure you ask for every paper you get in electronic form, be it your utility bill or a shopping mall receipt. And yes, do it for your credit card and bank statements to complete the circle. Make people follow the same habits as you do, because it will help the world conserve paper.

How new apps help you...

  • You can keep scanned copies of your car registration or travel papers and take printouts for authorities right from your handset instead of unnecessarily varying sheaves of paper.
  • You can do away with old fashioned business cards. You can store images of your cards that can be stored and searched easily.
  • Using Evernote or Microsoft OneNote, you can convert old documents or even handwritten notes from meetings into files that use optical recognition.

If you have your own life hacks to make this article more helpful, feel free to contact me, or drop a comment.

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