Kim Kardashian: Hollywood Amassed $43M in Just 3 weeks after its release...

When Kim Kardashian announced that she was creating an app for iPhones and Androids that allows players to interact with her as they work their way up to the A-list, most thought it was a joke.

But it seems that Kim is the one having the last laugh as the game has already amassed an incredible $43 million, according to parent company Glu Mobile's third-quarter earnings report.

Having taken in $1.6 million in the first five days of release alone in late June, the latest figure actually falls short of initial projections that the game would rake in as much as $200 million by the end of the year.

According to Glu Mobile, the 34-year-old's app has earned the company more than all their other apps combined. A fact that isn't all that surprising considering it has been installed just shy of a staggering 23 million times. That figure translates to approximately 5.7 billion minutes of gameplay. 

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It is new, it is fun, and it whets your appetite for glamour. You can play it anywhere –on the bus, at the dentist’s or in a queue. Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, a free mobile game for Apple and Android devices, is so addictive that it makes Candy Crush look silly.

The game goes like this. You work at a downtown boutique ambitiously named SoChic. Your boss has an appointment to see an apartment and leaves early, asking you to lock up. Before leaving, you have to finish some chores. You are about to close shop when Kim Kardashian appears. Do you tell Kim the shop is closed for the day or do you go the extra mile, reenter the shop and help her choose a dress? Your decision will earn you points and money as reward and set you on the road to stardom.

Glu Mobile, a popular publisher for mobile games, developed this new app for Android and iOS handheld devices. It earned $1.6 million within the first five days of its release and is currently the fourth highest grossing app in the iTunes Store.

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You create your own celebrity avatar. You choose your eyes, nose, lips and hairstyle; buy clothes and handbags and jewellery. Players are in a story that is customized according to their sex. But the game proceeds in the same way. Kim Kardashian invites you to a photo shoot. You have to choose the clothes you wear to the shoot. Right choices means you earn rewards.

Next you earn an invitation to a celebrity dinner. Before you know it, you are tapping furiously on your phone and dipping into your bank account to buy expensive outfits and accessories. At the dinner party you frantically network to help you to catapult stardom. You may even win Kim Kardashian branded ‘K’ stars that can be used to “charm” people. You easily get carried away and use real money to buy these ‘K’ stars, which are a type of in-game currency to buy new clothes or more energy bolts.

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The player has to deal with catty starlets, flirt, make club appearances, and go to parties in order to work their way to the top. In addition these are acting assignments and modeling gigs. The idea is to start for E-list and become an A-lister. But all these activities require a lot of energy. These bolts of energy cost money. This is whether you decide to pay and move on or wait till your energy is replenished. If you decide to wait, a message will come from Kim Kardashian when your energy is full once again. You can leave the game anytime and resume from the same place, at least on Apple Devices.

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Kim Kardashian: Hollywood is giving Candy Crush a run for its money. Where Candy Crush was expensive if you went for in-app purchases to keep the game going, Kim Kardashian will fleece you if you are not careful. The game offers many in-app purchases which helps make t more interesting. Some of these include using real money, so beware. The company is making an estimated $700,000 a day from in-app purchases of the game.

The game is engrossing and addictive. It’s like going to a casino and gambling even though you know you will be fleeced. This is a game that makes you want to be with the right people, wear the right clothes, say the right thing and sport the right fashion. You have to be aware of the media and not get carried away by your heart.

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